Zoom Desktop Conferencing

Zoom is VCU's official desktop conferencing solution to support remote instruction and collaboration. To access your VCU Zoom account, or to create one, please login at vcu.zoom.us with your VCU credentials.

Login at vcu.zoom.us

Zoom accounts are available to all currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty, staff or affiliates with a "vcu.edu" eID. VCU Health System physicians and employees with "@vcuhealth.org" credentials may acquire and access Zoom accounts at vcuhealth.zoom.us.

NOTE: Be sure to review Zoom's System Requirements before installing the client software on your device.

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Recent Announcements & Updates
@ the VCU Zoom Blog:

decorative guide iconUser Guides

Zoom has created an online resource for educators as part of its COVID-19 response efforts. It includes helpful ideas and pointers for conducting online courses.

Indiana University offers a helpful guide for higher ed: Zoom To The Next Level: Active Learning in the Virtual Classroom.

Zoom presented a special training session just for VCU users.  A later session gave a more in-depth tour of advanced features available in Zoom.

The VCU Zoom FAQs are also a good source for pointers on how to make the most of Zoom's capabilities.

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decorative security iconSecure Your Zoom Meetings

To help you keep your meetings secure and under your control, VCU's Information Security Office has created a helpful list of Zoom Meeting Security Guidelines

More helpful information about security-related best practices can be found on the Zoom company website.

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decorative help iconNeed Help?

Contact us at zoom@vcu.edu with any questions or concerns related to VCU Zoom, or open a support ticket.

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decorative status iconCheck recent incident reports and status:

Current status of ZOOM

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Important Note Re: Copyright Compliance

Remember to use VCU systems responsibly and respect the intellectual property rights of others. Please refer to the university's Intellectual Property Policy section V and VCU Libraries' guide to copyright for further information. If you have any questions, university parties are expected to seek guidance from VCU Libraries and/or the Office of University Counsel when questions regarding copyright compliance and fair use arise.

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Records Retention Notice

Users are responsible for managing their recorded videos and transcriptions in accordance with the university’s record management policy and procedures.   See the Records Retention Requirements sub-page for details.